Neighbors of Gresham Park Virtual Planning Meeting
This Wednesday, August 2nd
at 6:00 PM
for Litter Pick-up Event This Saturday, August 5th.
Zoom Details:
Topic: NGP Litter Pick-up Planning Meeting
Time:Aug 2, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time(US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 771 4493 2206
Passcode: b9AH6v
In this meeting we will confirm meet-up time and location for an NGP hosted litter pick-up event to take place this coming Saturday, August 5th. We will also discuss supplies needed and coordination with the Dekalb Co sanitation department for trash bag pick-up. The plan for this event is to focus on cleaning up the area surrounding the Gresham Road / I-20 intersection