DeKalb County CoC has partnered with CHRIS 180 to provide Emergency Rental/Mortgage Assistance for residents in DeKalb County. If you would like to see if residents qualify for services please call DeKalb 311 Resource Line at 404-687-3500
·A program known as Home Sweet Home: Saving Homes, Saving Families, is a foreclosure program that was created to help homeowners who are facing a foreclosure on their primary home or mortgage. When you sign up for this program, certified Housing Counselors will advocate on behalf of the clients with your lender to help you secure a loan modification on your mortgage. If it is later determined there is the need for legal intervention in your particular case, you will be referred to the Atlanta Legal Aid, Inc. for free legal assistance and representation. For more information, contact 404.929.2414
· United Way rental assistance programs: The United Way Dial 211 service can provide emergency or long term rent assistance to qualified families. The national non-profit organizations provide free referrals to clients. All of the information is free. The end result is that those in need of help can get rental assistance from the United Way near you.
· For the complete Dekalb Human Services guide visit the link below. This guide includes resources for services ranging from free medication delivery to Rental and Mortgage and Food Assistance
DeKalb County - COVID-19 Citizens Assistance Program Administered by Non-Profits Directory can be below and contains a list of approved service agencies with funding for direct covid relief for citizens:
