NGP has been asked to find 5 residents to join a new panel that will bring jobs, education, and internships to 30316. Please see the information below. Please contact Neighbors of Gresham Park for more information.
Gresham Park

From the Blachall Engagement Team | Amanda Brown Olmsead, President of A. Brown Olmstead Associates:
Blackhall Studios is launching a program January 9, to provide a briefing to those interested in the film industry. Whether you might be pursuing a job opportunity for yourself, a family member, or simply curious about the business of the film industry in the state of Georgia, you are invited to join in participating in the film industry briefing program. This will be an online Zoom presentation on Saturday mornings, between 10 AM and 11 AM, running from January 9 to March 27.
If you are interested in being a participant, we would like to hear from you right away. Each neighborhood is allowed five participants, and we will submit your name on a first come first serve basis.
If you would like to be included and can pledge to participate for the 12 consecutive meetings, please reply to this email with your contact information, name, street address, email address, and best phone number.