Hi neighbors,
Please mark your calendars for three (3) upcoming public meetings about Phase II of the Bag Factory Apts, which would add 47 units for a combined total of 328 units and 1,970 daily car trips on 2nd Ave. See this DOT traffic map to compare with exiting traffic volumes. You can see all the details of the Phase II proposal here and here. The project is the 4th item on this Wednesday's agenda.
Wed 2/8 at 6pm - Community Council
Zoom https://dekalbcountyga.zoom.us/j/83069715909
Phone 888-270-9936, conference code 691303
Tue 3/7 at 6pm - Planning Commission
Zoom TBA
Phone TBA
Thu 3/30 at 530p - Board of Commissioners
In-person only, 1300 Commerce Dr, downtown Decatur
Thanks to
John Wuichet
East Lake Commons
for providing this information to us.
Please consider joining one of the neighborhood committees here.