Hello Neighbors,
Neighbors of Gresham Park is looking to bring on new board members for 2021.
We are currently in need of a President, Co-Vice President and Recording Secretary.
Elections will be held in February of 2021 so please email us if you would like to help us continue to build our community in Gresham Park. Information related to each position can be found below.

A. President - The President shall preside over all Monthly and Special Meetings and perform all administrative duties as required by the office including preparing an agenda for Monthly Meetings. The President shall act as "Spokesperson" for NGP in all matters pertaining to its business but should not commit NGP to any business or express any viewpoint for NGP that has not first been approved by the NGP membership. The President shall be authorized to disburse funds, along with the additional approval from the Treasurer.
B. Vice President - The Vice President shall preside over the standing committees, assist the President, act for the President when the President is unable to serve and assume all duties as agreed upon.
C. Recording Secretary - The Secretary shall be the custodian of all records except such as specifically assigned in these bylaws to others. The Secretary shall take and report to the NGP membership minutes of all Monthly Meetings, Special Meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep an attendance list of each meeting. The Secretary shall coordinate and prepare an annual activity report.